2010GetaBeachBody2Recently Fit By Faith completed their second camp of “Get a Beach Body with a Buddy Competition”. Contestants, in pairs, were given guidelines to follow for 6 weeks and the winners were the buddies who lost the most body fat % and inches combined.

The winners, Shawn Zabel and Christine Moore, had a total of 39 inches (Shawn lost 27.5 inches!).  They each won a 3 month membership to Fit By Faith’s gym, a massage with Karla Reece from Therapy Solutions and a session with David K. Schum, D.C.

Each of these women have a special story.

Zabel is on a quest to lose over 300 pounds.

“…in 6 weeks I lost 27.5 inches and a total 39 inches combined with my buddy.  I know we both worked hard at this, still getting myself ready for the 5k coming up on Sept. 18th, ”stated Zabel. “…I’m gonna be entering the quest 12 at the gym, please keep praying for me, I need a lot of strength, I know this journey will be hard, but I’m in it to win it.”

Christine Moore also has an interesting story.  She is a 6thGrade Gifted and Talented Teacher who has recently completed her Master’s in Education, soon to begin her Ph.D.  Moore also is a published columnist for BrownwoodNews.com, whose work can be viewed in the Educational Notes Column.

Both of these women have set some big goals for the year and a big one was completed by winning the physical goal during the “Get a Beach Body with a Beach Buddy Competition”.

“These two “Get a Beach Body with a Buddy” mini-camps were motivations to help the participants stay on track during the summer,” stated Fit By Faith  owner and trainer Krista Johnson.