2013_14LionettesThe BHS Lionettes recently attended a camp at SMU in June under the direction of American Dance Drill Team. Five Lionettes were chosen as All American Honorable Mention Dancers (Destiny Muenzler, Bethany Pittman, Alexis Garcia, Shania Dixon, and Alex Hetzel) and the entire team earned the title of All American Team.

“This was such an awesome honor considering the fact that camp was at full capacity,” said Lionettes sponsor, Stacee Hetzel. “There were approximately 400 dancers at this camp.

With the All American Team title, the BHS Lionettes are invited to participate in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and/or the Capital One Bowl halftime performance. The cost of registration for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is $1850 per girl with additional costs for airfare.

“The goal that we are reaching for is $2500 to $3000 per dancer,” said Hetzel.  “This will cover all of their expenses for the week.”

The Lionettes would leave November 23rd, and would have rehearsals each day along with guided tours that would include the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building, a Broadway Show, the Christmas Spectacular featuring the Rockettes, and much more.

“We are so hopeful that we will raise the money for them to go,” said Hetzel. “What an awesome, once in a lifetime experience.”

Upcoming fundraisers include a baked goods and brisket wrap sale, August 10th, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Wal-Mart, and BUNCO, August 20th, at 6:30 p.m. in the Grand Starz Bingo Hall ($10 per player).

“More fundraisers will be coming. We are determined,” added Hetzel. “The 2013-2014 Lionettes have already impressed me immensely with their great attitudes and super work ethic.”

Anyone that would like to support the Lionettes can contact Stacee Hetzel @ stacee.hetzel@brownwoodisd.org.