BHSModelsTechGrahamBrownwood High School hosted administrators and teachers from Graham ISD on Monday, March 30, for a “real life” look at student laptops in the classroom, known as the 1:1 Initiative.  Visiting BHS was the Graham superintendent, high school principal, technology staff, and teachers.  The group of twelve toured through six classrooms to see how teachers were incorporating laptops into daily student work.

Brownwood teachers explained to their guests what types of lessons and projects the students do on their laptops, and answered questions from the group.  Gretchin Geye, physics teacher, said, “We use the laptops 3 to 4 days a week in my class.”  She explained that the students still do some problems by hand and have hands-on  labs as well.

Debbie Harwell, marketing teacher, said, “I have to admit I was really scared at first.” Now that she and her class have been using the laptops for almost a year, Harwell is more comfortable.  “We are teaching in a different way, and learning a lot from the kids.  One of the best things about having laptops in the classroom is access to the most current information available; text books get outdated.”

Also on the tour to share advise was Instructional Technologist, Elizabeth Gilmore, Technology Director, Edward Yantis, High School Assistant Principal Andy Gill, and Superintendent Dr. Reece Blincoe.  The tour concluded with BHS teachers meeting with the group from Graham for a more extensive question and answer session and student project demonstrations.

Home Economics teacher, Connie Sliger, said the 1:1 Initiative was the “best thing that has happened.”  “I have really tried to be green this year,” she said.  “I don’t have a huge stack of papers on my desk anymore.”  Students turn in assignments electronically and take quizzes online, which are automatically graded.

Graham High School has laptop computers for their high school teachers, but not yet for their students.  “I always compare technology implementation to running a marathon,” said Dr. Blincoe.  “It takes time, and it is not always easy.  I am very proud of our teachers for what they have done this first year.”

Photo Caption: Assistant Principal Andy Gill and math teacher Joanna Young, visit with  Graham teachers about the new electronic Algebra textbook.