It was another rainy and soggy Friday night for high school football fans.  This week however it was mostly rain and not thunderstorms so it was gametime as usual for most area teams.

The rain however did have an impact on some outcomes for area games.

Here are some area scores:

  • Brownwood ———–0
  • Stephenville ——-35
  • Final – More Info HERE
  • Early———–7
  • Clyde———14
  • Final
  • Bangs——–32
  • Hamilton——-6
  • Final
  • Goldthwaite—–27
  • San Saba——— 7
  • Final
  • Zephyr————0
  • Strawn———-52
  • Final
  • Blanket———51
  • Rochelle———16
  • Final
  • Mullin———–78
  • Morgan———-12
  • Final
  • May————–0
  • Santa Anna —45
  • Final