Friday night high school football scoreboard October 4, 2013. Scores are reported as final.  Area games and other games of interest are listed below.

Early – 14
Brady – 51

Comanche – 21
Merkel – 7

San Saba – 10
Thorndale – 49

Roscoe – 31
Cross Plains – 56

Winters – 7
Goldthwaite -33

Mullin – 54
Zephyr – 62

Victory Life Academy – 14
Stephenville Hutson – 65

Brookesmith – 0
May – 47

Blanket – 52
Rochelle – 50

Rising Star – 54
Bryson – 21

Richland Springs – 68
Walnut Springs – 55

Santa Anna – 96
Evant – 48