Carlos Liendo


Jerry Ramirez


Roberto Sanchez


Richard Zamora

According to Brownwood Police, four men who came to Brownwood from the DFW metroplex were arrested on Wednesday in a “reverse drug bust” at Riverside Park.

Interim Chief James Fuller said that a confidential informant had been recently speaking to one of the suspects and offered to provide as much as 30 pounds of marijuana to him.  A deal was eventually struck between the two that 10 pounds of marijuana would be purchased by the suspect for $3500.

Four suspects met the informant at Riverside Park on Wednesday to make the deal, and as soon as the exchange was made, Brownwood police converged on the area.  Four men were involved in the purchase and all were arrested for Possession of Marijuana Greater than 5 pounds in a Drug Free Zone.  These men were identified as 30-year-old Carlos Liendo of Comanche, 27-year-old Jerry Ramirez of Vernon; 27-year-old Roberto Sanchez of Vernon; and 30-year-old Richard Zamora of Fort Worth.

Police said that investigators at the Brownwood Police Department have been working on this particular case of drug trafficking for three months.  Police also said that these arrests are not related to any other local drug case.