Dear Fellow Brown County Republicans,

As a long time Republican and Former Chairman of the Republican Party of Brown County, I am disturbed by the slanderous campaign that is being run against our friend Jim Keffer.  Mr. Crisp and his ‘handlers’, Texans for Fiscal Responsibility and Empower Texans are afire with dishonesty and are spreading false information about Jim’s conservative voting history. I am disappointed in these tactics, as they are dishonest and unbecoming.  I would much prefer a candidate publicize ‘why they think they would be a better representative’, than read attacks, and distortions which literally don’t add up against Jim and his proven record.

I urge you to get the facts, i.e.: look at each candidate’s personal credentials and history, and not be misled by the flat out lies that are being put out by these folks.

Jim is State Representative for District 60 which includes Brown, Callahan, Coleman, Eastland, Hood, Palo Pinto, Shackelford and Stephens counties. I have known Jim personally since he became our representative, and I can confirm his record of standing up for Brown County and the entire District 60, while fighting for our shared conservative values.  Jim is by trade, a manufacturer and a businessman. He is President of EBAA Iron Sales in Eastland and Albany and employs over 400 people.

I am SUPPORTING Jim Keffer for the following reasons:

Jim is a true conservative businessman and part time Legislator, who has no reason to be beholden to anyone but The Folks of District 60.  He lives within the district and employs many its residents.

He is a respected and effective leader in the State House of Representatives, who “Does the Right Things” for “The Folks” in his district and TEXAS.    His leadership has helped shape Texas into the economic powerhouse that it is today.

Jim is a man of faith and a hard worker who gets results. He is a proven friend of District 60, who knows how to get it done in Austin.

For you fire fighters, Jim not only supports you, but has been a volunteer himself.

Jim is a staunch supporter of our Texas State Parks and has worked closely to get badly needed funding for our state park system.

Jim is the candidate with a solid and proven record of supporting conservatives and balancing budgets, while getting things done down in Austin.  Let’s examine facts and not fall for misleading, self-serving rumors that could greatly diminish our representation.

Please join with me in supporting a Proven Leader, Jim Keffer in the March 4th Republican Primary.  Early voting starts February 18!  So vote early and take a neighbor to the polls with you, then visit with Jim at The Brownwood Depot on Feb. 18 from 4:30 to 6:30.

Sincere Best Regards,

Brad Locker, Former Chairman Brown County GOP