A special 5-hour CEU Forage Seminar is set for January 27th at the First Baptist Church in Cross Plains. Registration starts at 8:00 a.m. The program begins at 9:00 a.m. The goal of this program is to provide producers with information on forage management strategies to help them produce uniform, high quality forage to meet their production goals. 5.5 CEU’s will be given: 1 – Laws and Regulations, 1 – IPM, 1.5 – Drift minimization, and 2 – General.
Speakers for the Seminar will include: Dr. Morgan Russell, Extension Range Specialist, San Angelo, Ralph Porter, Senior Sales Rep. Dow Agro, Abilene, Dr. Charles Allen, Professor & Extension Entomologist, San Angelo, Robert Frost & Sammy Wilson, NRCS & FSA, Baird, Bill Thompson, Extension Economist, San Angelo, Scott Anderson, CEA Brown County, Jerry Warren, CEA Callahan County.
Dr. Russell will discuss “Pasture Management-prescribed burns vs. chemical control of brush & Prickly Pear,” Ralph Porter will discuss “Herbicide Impregnated Fertilizers use on Pastures,” Dr. Allen will discuss “Livestock Pest Management,” Robert Frost & Sammy Wilson will discuss “FSA & NRCS Program Updates,” Bill Thompson will discuss “Farm Bill Decisions”, Scott Anderson will discuss Laws and Regulation for pesticide applicators, and Jerry warren will discuss “Drift Minimization and Calibration.”The cost of the Seminar and accompanying meal is $25.00 fee to be paid at the door. This program is presented by the AgriLife Extension offices in Brown, Callahan, Coleman, and Eastland Counties. For further information, contact the Callahan County Extension Office at (325) 854-5835.