
The Brownwood High School Theatre Department is conducting rehearsals for their fall production of “Peter Pan,” which opens next Monday.

The production will not only feature the well-known story of “Peter Pan” with great characters and creative sets but will also feature something rarely seen in high school productions – flying.

BHS Theatre Director Larry Mathis said that Hall Associates Flying FX from the Chicago area has been hired to make the on-stage flight possible for this production.  Jason Whicher, head aerial choreographer from Hall Associates, is also teaching the actors how to move while in the air.

“Not only is he able to set the stuff up, he can also choreograph the scenes for our needs,” Mathis said.

According to Mathis, this is the only production to his knowledge in the area that has incorporated flying except for the last time Brownwood performed “Peter Pan” about 8 years ago.

“I did this show about 8 years ago, but under a completely different set of circumstances,” Mathis said.  “It was this company that I used for flying, but this was before the remodel of the theater and so we have more space to fly now, more height to fly, so the flying this time is totally different.”

Mathis said that there are only three professional flying companies in the United States and Hall Associates Flying FX has special equipment that no one else has to help the performers do things not possible with other systems.

“The flying is just something they don’t see every day, and I don’t know of anyone else in central Texas who has ever flown except for us,” Mathis said.  “There is a fight scene on the ship that is just extraordinary between Captain Hook and Peter Pan, it is unbelievable.”

Mathis said that the set of Peter Pan will feature some great surprises using special video animations during the production that that audience won’t expect.

“Just some neat stuff is going to happen,” Mathis said.  “It’s just a visual paradise to watch, it’s such fun.”

Mathis expects large crowds for this production and encourages the public to purchase tickets in advance for one of the six performances.

“I really think the crowds are going to be big so we are encouraging people to buy their tickets in advance,” Mathis said. “They will be on sale at the front office from 8 in the morning until school’s out every day.”

The show will open to the public October 29th, and will run for six performances in the Dorothy McIntosh Fine Arts Center auditorium at the high school with the following dates and times.

Monday, Oct 29 – 7pm

Tuesday, Oct 30 – 7pm

Thursday, Nov 1 – 7pm

Saturday, Nov 3 – 2:30pm and 7pm

Sunday, Nov 4 – 2:30pm

Tickets cost $8 for adults and $5 for students.

Pictured at top is Meredith Underwood at flight practice over the weekend.