
Two firemen were recognized for their lifesaving service by the City of Early at Tuesday evening’s city council meeting.  Early Mayor Robert Mangrum read the following statement during the meeting and presented Lifesaving Medals to Early Fire Chief Chad Hill and Fire Marshal Seth Ringler.

“March 1, 2016 around 11:00 a.m., Brown County Dispatch received a 911 call of a female found at her home, not breathing and unresponsive. The Early Fire Department was notified of the call. Fire Chief Chad Hill, who was on duty, responded to the location. Fire Marshal Seth Ringler, who was not on duty at the time, also responded to provide his assistance. The two firemen arrived at the scene to find CPR in progress by a family member on the unresponsive individual. The efforts of this family member provided the important medical attention needed until help could arrive.

Chief Hill and Fire Marshal Ringler took over CPR and began providing oxygen to the female patient. An automatic external defibrillator (AED) was used to regain a pulse. A pulse was detected, but it quickly stopped again. Over the next six to ten minutes the two fireman continued to work on the patient. It was not until the third attempt with the AED that a pulse was detected and maintained. While in route to the hospital, Fire Marshal Ringler rode in the ambulance in order to continue to care for the patient. The patient was stabilized at the Brownwood Regional Medical Center and then later flown to Abilene Regional Medical Center where she remained in recovery for the next several weeks. After weeks in the hospital and rehab, the patient has fully recovered.

The quick response by firefighters positioned them to be in the unique opportunity to make a difference in the life and death of an individual; their ongoing dedication to their profession and professional development through training provided them the tools and experience to make that difference; and their heart and compassion for others gave them the persistence to carry on when all appeared to be a loss for this patient.

In the profession of firefighting, or any other first responder profession for that matter, it is not often that you have the privilege of making such an enormous impact on the life of an individual and their family.  When it does happen these men and women deserve to be recognized.

It is because of their rapid response on March 1, 2016, their ongoing dedication, and their compassion for others that culminated in the saving of a life that it does me, Mayor Robert Mangrum, the honor of representing the Early City Council and the Citizens of Early, Texas in presenting Chief Chad Hill and Fire Marshal Seth Ringler with the Lifesaving Medal.”

Pictured above are Ringler (left) and Hill (right) with Ramona Thedford, the woman who credits them with saving her life.  Thedford gave a heartfelt thank you to the firefighters as she spoke at the council meeting.  Below are photos of the medal presentations.


Early Mayor Robert Mangrum presents lifesaving medal to Chad Hill.


Mayor Mangrum presents Seth Ringler with lifesaving medal.