AgriLifeExtensionThe Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department will conduct a feral hog management workshop and tour April 5th at the Muse Wildlife Management area in northern Brown County. The workshop will begin at 9:30 a.m. with registration. The program will follow beginning at 10 a.m. and will end with a tour of the Muse Wildlife Management Area at noon.

Topics during the day will include: feral hog facts and status, current trapping and removal, swine health risks, and current research. There will also be touring the Muse Wildlife Area to view a ‘rainwater guzzler’ used for wildlife water and examine cage traps and other methods the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department uses to help control feral hogs on the property.

The workshop is one of several the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is cooperating with other agencies with to help manage the fast-growing feral hog population in Central Texas.

There is no charge for the workshop and the public is urged to attend. For more information or to obtain directions to the Muse Wildlife Management Area, contact Devin Erxleben, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department wildlife biologist in charge of the Muse Wildlife Management Area at 325-203-6926, or Anderson at 325-646-0386, .