
February was proclaimed Cancer Prevention Month in the City of Brownwood at Tuesday’s meeting of the Brownwood City Council.

According to the proclamation, an estimated 74,600 Texans are newly diagnosed with cancer each year, and 33,100 of these will not survive.  Because of this, Brown County annually joins over 5,200 other communities worldwide to host the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life to celebrate cancer survivors and remember those who have lost the battle to cancer.  Relay for Life is a fundraising event which helps the American Cancer Society by helping people stay well, get well, find cures, and fight back.

In recognition of the important work done by the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life, Mayor Stephen Haynes proclaimed the month of February as Cancer Prevention Month in the city of Brownwood and urged all citizens to eat healthy, be active, be safe in the sun and stay away from tobacco.

Pictured above, Mayor Haynes presenting the proclamation to Relay for Life chairperson Tammy Robinson and volunteers.

In other matters on Tuesday’s Brownwood City Council agenda:

*Council held a public hearing and considered on first reading an ordinance to change the zoning classification for 904 Gifford Street from M-1 Industrial District to MH Manufactured Home/Mobile Home Residential District.  The owners wish to move a manufactured home, so they can move to Brownwood, across the street from their daughter.  One of the owners has recently had large medical expenses and a manufactured home would be the most economical for them.  After the Planning and Zoning Commission voted to approve the zoning change and no neighbors had objections, the council approved the zoning change on first reading.  This matter will be considered on 2nd and 3rd readings at the next regular council meeting.

*Council approved establishing a three-way stop at the intersection of Greenleaf and Chandler where, after the construction of the new fire station, fire trucks will be entering the intersection from the station on the south side of Chandler.

*A resolution re-adopting the City of Brownwood investment policy was approved.

*Council approved an order to hold the General Election on Saturday, May 10, 2014 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. to elect a Mayor, currently Stephen Haynes, and councilmen for Wards 1 and 4, seats currently held by H.D. Jones and Draco Miller respectively.  The filing period will be January 29 – February 28, 2014.

*Council approved authorizing the Mayor’s signature on an agreement for elections services and lease of city property, the Adams Street Community Center, with Brown County.  The only change from the previous agreement is on the renewal term, which will automatically renew in one year increments until either party provides written notice, no later than sixty days prior to the expiration of the original term that it does not desire to continue the lease agreement.