The First Baptist Church of Brownwood will offer services for Holy Week this week on Thursday and Friday evenings, and Sunday morning. On Thursday, the church will observe Maundy Thursday, the evening on which Christ shared his final meal with His disciples. Tradition holds that the word “Maundy” is derived from the Latin “mandatum,” or mandate. In John’s biblical account of Jesus’ last supper, Christ tells His disciples “A new command [mandate] I give you: Love one another” (John 13:34a, NIV). This service will focus on sharing communion, or the Lord’s Supper, together, which will be accompanied by hymns and scripture readings. The Maundy Thursday service will begin at 6:30 PM in the sanctuary.
Easter Sunday morning events will begin with Sunday School at 9:30 AM. Small groups are offered for all ages, and will be held in various locations at the church, including the newly remodeled children’s wing. Following Sunday School, the Easter morning worship celebration will begin at 10:50 AM in the FBC sanctuary. All three Holy Week services are open to the public.