FamilySvcsLogoFamily Services Center in Brownwood was awarded $15,000 by the San Angelo Health Foundation to expand their mental health services for families and children into rural counties.  This project will serve Brown, Callahan, Coleman, Comanche, Eastland, Mills, McCulloch, Runnels and San Saba Counties with counseling, parenting education and childcare services.

“We’re thrilled to get the support from the foundation. There’s such a need for counseling in rural communities.”  said Executive Director Doak Givan. “While we provide counseling for all those living in each of these communities, these funds will allow us to focus on those who don’t have the means to pay.”

In addition to providing counseling and programs on literacy, anger management and child abuse prevention, the center provides office space for other non-profit agencies, with the newest agency, American Red Cross West Central Texas Chapter, soon to move in.

Chairman of the San Angelo Health Foundation Board Rob Patyrak recently announced fourteen area non-profit organizations were awarded a total of $429,904, bringing Foundation commitments to $3,505,263 for the year and $37.8 million since inception.   Approximately 184 organizations and 394 projects have benefitted from Foundation funding in its’ sixteen years of grantmaking.

Grants Chair Mike Boyd said the following applications for funding were also approved:

Adult Enrichment Center was awarded $20,000 to implement a marketing plan designed to increase community awareness of their programs.

Christoval Volunteer Fire Department was awarded $60,000 for an EMS response vehicle and building construction.

Meals for the Elderly was awarded $35,000 to purchase a delivery truck necessary for expansion of services into rural areas of Tom Green County.

San Angelo Early Childhood Center was awarded $163,904 for playground resurfacing for child safety.

San Angelo Garden Club was awarded $20,000 for a misting system for the International Water Lily Collection at Civic League Park.

San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts was awarded bridge funding of $100,000 for educational programs and project needs.

Six other organizations totaling $16,000 were also awarded for Christmas programming needs to:   Boys & Girls Club of San Angelo, Concho Valley Home for Girls/Children’s Emergency Shelter, Children’s Advocacy Center, House of Faith, MOSAIC San Angelo, Salvation Army and San Angelo State Supported Living Center Volunteer Services Council.

For more information about Family Services Center, please visit their website: