Planning to say “I do” soon? Want to save money for your big day? Want to learn to love for life? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, a Twogether in Texas Marriage Education Seminar will be held Saturday, November 14th from 9am-6pm at Family Services Center in Brownwood.

Learning effective communication skills can make a difference in every relationship, like how to: talk with each other, solve problems, set goals for the future, enjoying being together and having fun! The instructor-led workshop, presented by Vance and Susan Marcum, will provide easy-to-understand skills you can use every day to make your love last for a lifetime.

Texas began to offer free marriage education seminars around the state last year in response to the increasing number of divorces across the country. As an incentive for couples to attend the seminars they are willing to waive the states’ portion of the licensing fee and the mandatory waiting period.

Couples who complete at least an 8 hour seminar that focuses on helping couples develop communication and conflict resolution skills and other tools for a strong relationship will save $60 on their marriage license. Counties may continue to charge up to $12 in local fees. The 72 hour waiting period is also waived for couples who attend.

After completing the seminar, you will get a certificate that you can take to your county clerk when you apply for a marriage license. The certificate is good for one year and serves as proof that you are eligible for the discounted marriage license fee.

Family Services Center continues to offer Marriage Education Seminars quarterly to help build healthy relationships. There is no charge for participants and a meal and snacks will be provided. Contact Family Services Center to register or for more information, 325-646-5939 or toll free 866-211-2255.

More information about the state initiative can be found online at

Seminars may be cancelled due to lack of registration, but you do not have to be registered to attend. Walk-ins are welcome.