
An alert neighbor helped a family escape an early morning house fire Sunday in the 2300 block of Belmeade.

According to the homeowners, at approximately 5:00 am, a neighbor heard a popping noise and woke to notice flames in the garage of their home.  Ammunition stored in the garage was being set off by the blaze, which woke the neighbor who then alerted the homeowners to the fire.  The family of four was able to exit the home without injury.

The garage and all of its contents along with the master bathroom were heavily damaged; however the remainder of the home suffered only minor smoke damage.   An electrical short in a wall is to blame for the blaze, according to the homeowners.

Multiple units from Brownwood Fire Department and Brownwood Police Department responded to the scene.  The Red Cross is assisting the homeowners with immediate needs.

Above and below are photos of the exterior damage caused by the fire.
