First Church of the Nazarene will host Fame Camp, a Vacation Bible School program, from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on March 11-15.

The camp is for children grades Kindergarten – 6th grade.   Cost to attend the camp is $25 per child.  For families registering more than one child, the cost is $25 for the first child registered and $15 for each additional child registered.   Each child is asked to bring their own lunch (with their name on it) each day.

During the camp, children will be involved in sports like basketball, soccer, flag football, and cheer for girls.  Students will also participate in crafts and most importantly learn about more about God.

To register visit the First Church of the Nazarene on Wednesdays and Sundays From 4:30-7:00 p.m. or call Jana Dolan (325) 998-3758 or Katy Dolan at 325-642-2235 for an appointment to register at times other than the above.