Early Police Chief David Mercer issued the following warning to parents regarding new forms of dangerous drugs that are being marketed as harmless products such as bath salts, plant food and herbal incense:

Parents need to be aware of a dangerous new drug that is hitting the streets of Early, Brownwood and Brown County.

Law Enforcement agencies around the country have seen a rise in products similar to spice and K2 which has haunted our news in recent months.  Now products marketed as “Bath Salts” have emerged as the new drug of choice for many young people. The active ingredients in “Bath Salts” contain MDVP or Methylenedioxypyrovalerone, which is a psychoactive drug with stimulant properties which act as a norepinepherine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI).  It comes in several different brands such as Blue Silk, Charge+, Ivory Snow, Ivory Wave, Ocean Burst, Purple Wave, Snow Leopard, Vanilla Sky, White Knight and several more. In addition to bath salts, these products are marketed as bath crystals, plant food and herbal-incense.

MDVP or Methylenedioxypyrovalerone is described as a white, odorless, fine grained powder similar to the appearance of baby powder or flour. Some other brands are noted to have a tan or brown substance added. Many packages typically include a disclaimer labeled “Not for Human Consumption” which has clearly been ignored. Packages usually run from an average of $30 – $75 per package and can be bought from the internet and in a few local stores.

MDPV has been shown to have an amphetamine-like or cocaine type effects, depending on the use and dosage. It can be smoked, snorted, wrapped in cigarette paper and dissolved and injected. We have even received reports of a lip-balm type of application. The side effects can last 3-4 hours and up to 6-8 depending on use and dosage.

Effects include agitation, an intense high, euphoria, extreme energy, hallucinations, insomnia, and making users easy to anger.  The effects of the drug have been compared to LSD, Ecstasy, PCP, Cocaine and Meth all rolled into one.

The products have been made illegal in overseas countries like Finland, Denmark and Sweden. In the United Stated, Louisiana has added MDPV to the controlled dangerous substance act making it illegal to possess, manufacture or distribute them in that state. The DEA is currently looking into the “bath-salts” in order to get it added to the controlled substance list.

Parents need to be aware this is out there and law enforcement have dealt with young people under the influence of this and seen the effects. It will destroy lives quickly and parents are going to have to be very conscious of what is going on.

When law enforcement deals with these issues, if the person in not medically treated, then they can be arrested for public intoxication or other offenses depending on the situation, but this only temporarily takes care of the problem. The issue needs to be treated by medical professionals on an extended treatment for help before lives are lost.

The drug itself is not illegal to have at this time, but the results of the drug will could lead to illegal situations.

I encourage residents to research information on the internet and learn more about it. I have added a couple of links below that are good starting points. I also want to emphasize that this is a nation-wide epidemic.  It is not an Early problem or a Brownwood problem. This is sweeping the country and the only way we are going to slow it down is to work together with the parents, schools, and community.

Below are links to information suggested by Chief Mercer:

Fox News:  America’s New Drug Problem-Snorting Bath Salts

CBS News:  DEA Names “BathSalts” a Drug of Concern

Business Week:  Hallucinogens Legally Sold as ‘Bath Salts’ a New Threat