momentWow. Deep title, huh? Not really. For most people who deal with kids in any capacity – parent, teacher, administrator – it is what keeps us going day after day. It sounds like a simple thing…but it can be challenging, as any of those people I just mentioned could verify.

It seems there is always one more thing to do, another need to meet, more money to spend, more time gone, and we are working from the time we wake until we collapse into bed late at night.  Kids are demanding – and with reason. They are full of energy, life, laughter, angst, joy, drama, and are learning constantly.

This is the time of year when everyone becomes increasingly aware of the upcoming TAKS tests. I know this may not be politically correct for a teacher to say, but sometimes those tests can suck the joy from teaching. I find myself reminding kids of the importance of doing well, instead of noticing the incredibly funny joke somebody just told. Luckily I have students who are quick to remind me what is truly important – the kids themselves.

This week we were reading a story and practicing strategies for taking notes and finding the main idea. I was attempting to be serious. My students quickly changed it. Suddenly they were laughing at something in the story, then something I said, the next thing I knew we were all laughing. I can remember thinking I should do something to stop the fun…this was serious stuff. As I said, though, my class was quick to remind me to enjoy the moment. The next thing I knew they were convincing me to play a trick on one of my colleagues by telling her that her homeroom had been horrible and it was one particular student that was the root of it all.

“Yeah, Mrs. Moore! Let’s trick her!”

Me, hesitating….then diving in with both feet, “Ok…but don’t make me laugh.”

The one student who was to be the “culprit” grinned at me.

“Don’t look at me!”

The whole class erupted into laughter. I managed to keep a straight face for a very few moments. Needless to say, she was not fooled for long, and the kids totally enjoyed it. I enjoyed it, too.

Did they learn anything that day in class? I believe so. We did cover the academic essentials. We also remembered that it is ok to laugh, and that sometimes you just have to stop and enjoy that moment. Once it is gone, it will never come again. I think I’ll go find my own kids now….there is bound to be a book to read, or a laugh to share, or just a snuggle to be had.

Christine Moore currently holds a degree from Howard Payne University and is actively working toward a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction. Married with four children, Christine teaches 6th grade reading in Brownwood and has been working in education at various levels for the past 14 years. Her husband, Jeremy, owns a local company that specializes in web design, custom computer builds, and on-location repair called DreamSoft Design at Christine welcomes your questions and comments and would love to hear from you!