Elveda was taken to be with the angels Saturday, March 15, 2014, at the age of 95. She was born in McCullough County to Mary Elizabeth Crider Hargrove and John Henry Wesley Hargrove She was raised in Rochelle, Texas, and graduated from Rochelle High School. Elveda worked at Twilight Nursing Home for the better part of 18 years as a cook; until her retirement in the early 70’s due to a physical health issue.
Elveda led a long, full and interesting life. In the early years of marriage she traveled quite a bit in and around Texas and Arizona. Part of the traveling was done to find good fishing and part of it was done while she was traveling with a carnival and operating a game booth on the midway. Then in the early 50’s she was married to Buddy Copeland and settled down to live in Bangs, Texas. She has lived in Bangs ever since except for a few years when she lived in Colorado and Wyoming.
Elveda was an avid fisherman all her life. When she was young she spent a lot of time fishing and camping on creek banks with her parents and her younger sister. She taught all six of her children to fish and took them fishing as often as possible.After retirement she went fishing every chance she got; she loved the outdoors. Also after she retired her time was spent growing flowers and gardens as long as she was able to do so; Up until this past year she still got out in the yard and pulled weeds out of her flower beds.
It is the wish of the family and of Elveda that in lieu of flowers donations be made to the Corrine T. Smith Animal Shelter. Elveda was a huge animal lover.
Elveda was preceded in death by her parents and her sister. She is survived by six children, Glennanda Vessels of Grand Prairie, John Powell and wife Terrye of Bangs, Jack Powell of Lake Brownwood, Karen Keel of Brownwood, Cheryl Hobbs and Bobby Clawson of Bangs, Trecie and Don Atchley of Bangs. She is also survived by 22 grandchildren, 45 great-grandchildren and 15 great-great-grandchildren. She also survived by a nephew, Barry Jones and his wife of Sundown, Texas.