
An elderly driver was seriously injured and flown by air ambulance for treatment after he struck a tree with his late model Chevrolet pickup truck Tuesday afternoon.

Emergency responders received the call of a “truck verses tree” accident on Avenue K near 10th Street just after 3:30pm, and then were told that there was an elderly male involved with injuries.  When firefighters and EMS arrived, they found the driver trapped inside the truck.

Firefighters cut the passenger door off of the pickup and removed the man from the vehicle. The man was loaded into an ambulance for transport to Brownwood High School which was turned into a landing zone for the Air Evac air ambulance.

The helicopter arrived approximately 4:00 and lifted off with their patient about 15 minutes later.

The cause of the accident is unknown at this time, and neighboring residents reported only hearing the sound of the crash.  A neighbor at the scene of the accident reported hearing acceleration but no brakes squealing, then the sound of the crash.

Pictured above is the damaged pickup wrapped around the tree.  Below are pictures of the scene of the accident as well as the helicopter arriving to transport the patient from the front lawn of BHS.


firefighters prepare to cut the doors off of the vehicle.


View of the accident scene.


Air Evac LifeTeam transports their patient from Brownwood High School.