earlylonghornslogoEarly High School head coach Kristi Sandoval reports results of the San Saba Cross Country Meet which was held on Wednesday, September 5th. The meet included athletes on the Girls Varsity & Junior Varsity as well as the Boys Varsity teams. The team placed 4th overall. The individual results for Early runners are as follows:

Varsity Girls:

Chelsea Johnston 6th 14:55

Callie Campbell 7th 14:58

Lauren Winborn 15th 15:54

Breana Cooney 23rd 16:40

Kanya Johnson 29th 17:07

Junior Varsity Girls:

Star Womack 11th 18:23

Rylie McGinnis 14th 18:41

Varsity Boys:

Christopher Martin 13th 22:20