wordsAs I was reading and writing I realized it had been a great while since I have written anything for Brownwood News. It was one of those things that, I am ashamed to say, simply got away from me. Things have really been shaking in the world of education – curriculum changes, testing changes, budget cuts – it seems to be never ending.

So…what’s new? Well…STAAR testing had its first year this past year. I have to admit, I felt a bit of a rebellious streak throughout the whole thing. When I realized how much money was being spent on a test, but our budgets are continuing to be cut I was a bit – er – miffed.  I could not help but think that this just showed another example of a lack of foresight on the part of our leaders. They expect teachers to do more…with less; fewer resources, but more students. They gave us more “rigorous” expectations and more testing, but less time and no money to do it all with. Now, I am the first to tell you that educators do not get into this business for money, fame, or popularity. However, after years of being the scapegoat for whatever ails our nation, I am personally tired of it. I courteously and respectfully invite these leaders to my classroom. Hang out for a while – say, a few weeks. Allow me to show you what goes on in a classroom every day. I guarantee you it is not the same classroom you remember! I’ll even let you teach a lesson or two, and do all the planning that comes with it. You can buy supplies out of your own pocket, and save my money.  Just a thought.

Not to worry – I am still excited about teaching! Know what else is new? I will be piloting a new program in my classroom. I am very excited about the opportunity to use technology in new ways with my students! I do not want to say too much at this point…I am still working with our technology department to iron out all the wrinkles! Suffice it to say, it will be exciting!

Last year, we built Egypt…this year, I am thinking maybe the rainforest! We can learn about the ecology of the rainforest, and ways to save our environment.

I am three courses away from beginning my dissertation for my PhD in Educational Technology! (happy dance) I have been invited to submit another article to TechEdge magazine – very flattering!

My oldest son is a senior this year, my oldest daughter is a sophomore, and my twins are in sixth grade. Wow. It seems like yesterday they were these tiny little darlings clinging to my hand and gazing at me as if I held the secrets to the universe. Now they are letting go and realizing they hold the secrets to their own universe. I, on the other hand, know nothing!

Teaching is still my passion. This will be my 18th year in education, and I still get excited about starting a new year, meeting new students, and planning new projects. I enjoy rearranging my room, dusting off my school supplies, and the smell of books. Each year I look at the faces in my classroom and wonder, will one of them find the cure for cancer? Be president of the United States? Bring about world peace? Solve the budget crisis? Make other people happy? Be good, honest citizens with a strong sense of themselves and know how wonderful they really are? Yes, I may still be idealistic, and you may laugh at my idealism. But tell me truthfully – would you rather have a teacher who was cynical? Bitter? Convinced of the uselessness of our mission in education?

Now, I will pledge to write more often, just in case you are interested in my educational notes. Sometimes I will share those funny stories, silly ideas, and perplexing questions. Sometimes, like now, I may want to be a little more serious.

Education is so important. So as you venture out to brave the crowds in the school supply aisles at the store, and you wonder why a child needs all these items, remember the end goal: the education of a child.

Regardless of budget, testing, or curricular changes – no matter how much people may disagree on how education should be “fixed” – doesn’t our goal remain the same? Aren’t we united in the same cause? Yes, I think we are. We all want our kids to grow, learn, explore, and discover. We want them to have a safe place to learn with teachers who will love them and administrators who will notice them.

So…here’s to another year! I can’t wait to see what will come next!


Christine Moore holds a degree in education and psychology from Howard Payne University and has a M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction. She is now working on her Ph.D. in Educational Technology at Walden University. Married with four children who attend Brownwood schools, Christine teaches 6th grade reading in Brownwood and has been working in education at various levels for the past 17 years. You can read her blog, Technology in Schools, at http://edtech-school.blogspot.com/.  Christine welcomes your questions and comments and would love to hear from you! Follow her on Twitter @MrsCYMoore!