aurevoirI cannot believe I am writing this article now. But, here it is. The time has come for me to say farewell to Brownwood. My family and I will be relocating to Galveston, where I will be working with teachers and students and technology.

I know this move is a good one for us, but I have been exasperating my husband as I alternate between smiles and tears. I have made many friends here in Brownwood, and I will also be leaving some family behind. But as we move on into the next chapter of our lives, I know it will be all the better for having spent the time here.

I want to take a moment to thank all the students, the parents, teachers, and administrators that I have had the opportunity to work with. You have made this experience one to be remembered and cherished. I have learned so much from all of you, I only hope that others have learned from me, as well.

This will be short – much packing and planning still to do! My home is filled with boxes, things are coming off the walls, and I probably look as frazzled as I feel. Kids and husband are excited, but will also be missing friends. Oh – you kids who are friends with my twins…they are very upset that they won’t get the chance to tell you ‘bye. Know that you are in their thoughts!

So…onward and upward! Here’s to new opportunities and old friends!

Thank you….and farewell!

Christine Moore holds a degree in education and psychology from Howard Payne University and has a M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction. She is now working on her Ph.D. in Educational Technology at Walden University. Married with four children who attend Brownwood schools, Christine is relocating to Galveston and has been working in education at various levels for the past 17 years. You can read her blog, Technology in Schools, at  Christine welcomes your questions and comments and would love to hear from you! Follow her on Twitter @MrsCYMoore!