GoodSamaritainMinistriesLogoEaster Sunday was a celebration in so many ways – the Resurrection, family, friends, a great cause!

The annual Good Samaritan Ministries Easter Buffet was another incredible success with 886 diners joining the staff and board of GSM on that misty day.  $9,296 was raised for GSM through the generous donations of those in attendance who started lining up before 11 am!

When the crowd was the busiest, an extra serving line and seating was opened upstairs in the Mabee Center to accommodate the crowd and ensure that no one had to stand outside in the drizzly weather.

“It was a fantastic job by Don Green and the Sodexo staff to provide a fabulous meal for so many people and to find seats for everyone,” said Angelia Bostick, Executive Director of GSM. “It was a wonderful meal, a wonderful celebration and a wonderful time for the community to come together.”

The money raised at this year’s Easter Buffet will count toward the Feinstein Challenge:  March Against Hunger Campaign which is in its last week.

“Our goal is $100,000 and, right now, we’ve raised just over $82,000 – so we’re so close,” Bostick said.

All money or food donated through the end of April can count toward the Feinstein Challenge.  Every year, Alan Shawn Feinstein puts up $1 million of his own money as a challenge to raise funds and awareness of hunger on a local level.  The more money GSM can raise, the greater portion of the money they can receive for the food pantry.

Everything donated locally stays in Brown County.  All food donated counts as either $1 per can or $1 per pound, whichever amount is greater.

And for those monetary donations, please know that GSM knows how to make a dollar stretch a long way!  For every $1 you donate, we can purchase six pounds of food from the Food Bank of West Central Texas in Abilene.

Drop off your donation at 305 Clark Street during regular hours:  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. or Wednesday from 1 to 5 pm.  Checks may be mailed to P.O. Box 1136, Brownwood, TX, 76804 or make donation via PayPal online at