JoshDiazEast Elementary school has announced their Fall Festival to be held Friday, October 24th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  This year the festival will also serve to help the family of a student who is facing heart surgery.

Josh Diaz, a third grader at East Elementary, has a heart condition which will require surgery in December.  The family is expecting that the surgery will cost anywhere from $80,000 to $200,000, depending on what the doctors find when they operate.

“He has had the condition since he was born,” said Josh’s mother, Destiny Diaz, noting that recent tests have shown that he requires the upcoming valve surgery. “You couldn’t tell there was anything wrong with him by looking at him.  He’s very active and likes sports.”

Josh, who said he enjoys playing baseball and likes to pitch, has a great attitude and is encouraged by his friends, family, and community.  “Everyone has been so supportive, and we’re so grateful for all the generosity and prayers from people all around the community,” said Diaz.

“Josh is precious, and has lots of friends,” said East Elementary principal, Nanda Wilbourn.  “This is a great opportunity to help this fine boy and his family.”

The Fall Festival will include games, inflatable slides, a cake walk, and more.  Hot dogs, sausage wraps, chips, cookies, and drinks will also be available for $4 per plate for Adults, while East students and any younger children can get their plate for a donation of 3 canned food items that will be donated to Good Samaritan.

In addition, the festival will include a silent auction. “This year all our proceeds from the auction and food sales will go to one of our own,” stated Wilbourn.  “Anyone who would like to make donations can contact us here at the school for more information.”

Those that would like to donate to the family directly can do so using the Josh Diaz “B” account that has been set up at Mid Tex Federal Credit Union.