
Virginia Anglin will retire at the end of May after completing 35 years of teaching at East Elementary in Brownwood.  Anglin teaches kindergarten at East, and also attended the school as a young girl.

Anglin, whose daughter was also a student at East Elementary, was honored by her colleagues, friends and family at a retirement party on Wednesday, May 2nd in the home of Nanda Wilbourn, principal of East Elementary.

Brownwood ISD Superintendent, Dr. Reece Blincoe, attended the event and presented Anglin with a retirement certificate and gift card from the district recognizing her service to the children and families of our community. In addition, an original poem was read to Anglin by Dana Gossett, 3rd grade teacher and resident East Elementary poet.

Anglin’s 2nd grade teacher, Hilda Harlow, was among the approximately 50 guests that attended the party. Harlow, now 98 years old, congratulated Anglin and was able to admire a project on display that Anglin made when she was a 2nd grader in her class. “Mrs. Anglin and all other retired teachers can only hope for a retirement as long and healthy as Mrs. Harlow’s,” Wilbourn said noting that Harlow is 98 years old and still volunteering at Brownwood Regional Medical Center.

“All of Mrs. Anglin’s teaching career was here at East,” said Wilbourn. “Virginia will say goodbye to her kindergarten students on May 24th and will begin a whole new chapter in her life.”

Pictured at top – Dr. Reece Blincoe presents Virginia Anglin with a retirement certificate and gift card from Brownwood ISD.


Above: The hostesses for Viginia Anglin’s retirement party: (Left to right) Denise Lewis, Lisa Glasson, Virginia Anglin, Nanda Wilbourn, Kim Bishop, Brenda Fisseler, Lucy Barrera and Rachel Garza.


Above: (Left to right) Dr. Blincoe, Ashlie Anglin (Virginia’s daughter), Virginia Anglin and Hilda Harlow