
On Friday, May 17th, East Elementary held its first-ever Career Day. Throughout the year, third-grade students at East Elementary School have been learning about what they can expect after moving on from the third-grade. “This year, I’ve been able to work with the third-graders once a week outside of their classroom guidance time,” said East Elementary counselor and Career Day coordinator, Lynsey McCormick.  “We began the year discussing what comes after third grade.”

In the fall, students from Brownwood Middle School, Brownwood High School, and Howard Payne University visited East Elementary, and shared with the third-graders what it was like to be a student at their respective schools, and many of the options that are available to them as they get older.

“During the spring semester, the students began by taking a kid-friendly interest inventory in order to determine what jobs or careers would best be suited for them individually,” explained McCormik.  “The students then began research on different careers that interested them.  Visitors from the community from all different types of jobs and careers came and shared with the students about what a day looks like in their shoes.”

Students then selected a career that they preferred to research and showcase on Career Day. “They created a tri-fold poster explaining different aspects of that job or career, such as job outlook, average salary, any training/education required for that job, and some of the responsibilities they would have,” said McCormik.  “The students presented their posters and some dressed as if they were in the job.

The event attracted many visitors including the East Elementary pre-k, kindergarten, first-grade, and second-grade classes which also toured the gym to see what the third-graders had learned.  “We also had many parents and some of the community speakers come to see all their hard work,” noted McCormik. “The students really enjoyed getting to present their information.”

Pictured at top – Third-grade students take a moment to pose for a photo during the recent East Elementary Career Day. (L to R) Alexis Reyna, Marc Anthony Isquirdeo, Christian Chambers, and Carlos De la Rosa.


East Elementary third-grader, Blake Shelton, shows us who is in charge of the money in his chosen profession as “Bank Manager” during Career Day


East Elementary third-grader Natalie Rios poses next to her “Police Officers” Career Day project.


Third-grade student, Abigail Apidone, poses next to her “Dancer” display during the East Elementary Career Day.


East Elementary third-grader, Tessa Goodwin, shows her color-palette as a part of her “Artist!” Career Day display.


Third-grader, Natalie Mares, in front of her “Registered Nurse” project at the recent East Elementary Career Day.