
Each year East Elementary students collect pennies for a fundraiser called, “Pennies for Patients,” benefiting the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Students brought in pennies each day for three weeks and raised a total of $2465.55.

“East has been participating with Pennies [for Patients] for about 10 years,” said Gloria Salazar, a computer lab assistant at East Elementary who also serves as the coordinator for the drive. “In the last five years East Elementary has raised over $7,500.”

Though most of the money is raised through the donation of pennies brought in by the students, the drive also includes various events and incentives to keep students engaged. “We have been very creative in our fundraising efforts,” said Salazar. “Last year we had the incentive called “Stuck for a Buck,” which entailed Mrs. Wilbourn [East Elementary Principal] being stuck to the wall by students who had purchased a strip of tape for $1.”  Salazar added that the classes who raise the most are also recognized. “I have rewarded the top classes each week with an ice cream sundae party and the top three classes overall receive a pizza party.”

Mrs. Brownlee’s first grade class raised the most money, and was also provided with the opportunity to present the “check” to a representative from The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

“Mrs. Brownlee’s First Grade class has been the top fundraising class for 4 out of the last 5 years,” noted Salazar.  “She has told me that she incorporates the pennies daily into her lesson plans, and this has proven to be a great motivator to her students.”

On Monday, February 11th, Erica Gongora, the School & Youth Campaign Manager for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, visited East Elementary to receive the donation presented by Mrs. Brownlee’s class.

“I am always so proud of our students when they share what they have with others,” said principal Wilbourn.  Salazar added, “I have found that East students have very generous hearts.”

Above: Gloria Salazar (right) stands with Mrs. Brownlee’s first grade class at East Elementary as they present their “Pennies for Patients” donation to Erica Gongora (left) from The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.