Jameson_WilbournGina Jameson, director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Brown County presented East Elementary with the “Community Partner of the Year” award Thursday, May 24th, at the East Elementary Awards Assembly.

East Elementary and Coggin Avenue Baptist Church have partnered together to provide mentors through BBBS for students at East Elementary. Nanda Wilbourn, principal at East, received the award for the campus.

“The relationship between Coggin and East has been such a blessing to our school. Our students look forward to the weekly visit from their Big,” said Wilbourn.  “We look forward to next year and the relationships that will continue to grow between our kids and these adults who have so unselfishly given of their time. We would also like to thank Gina and Tim Skaggs, pastor at Coggin, for taking our school under their wing.”

Pictured above: Gina Jameson (left) and Nanda Wilbourn