
East Elementary PE Coach, Kim Harvey, was looking for creative ways to keep her students moving when she latched onto an idea presented on the 100 Mile Club website. “There was talk about superheroes, and I wanted to do something with local heroes,” Harvey said. The 100 Mile Club presents students with the challenge to run, jog, or walk 100 miles over the course of the school year. Students log miles during designated running times. Teachers and coaches often look for new ideas and themes to make running times more fun.

Coach Harvey sent letters to local police, fire, and EMS departments, looking for a few participants to run with her students. The response was positive with several members of the Brownwood Police and Fire Departments volunteering to be a part of the event, which took place on Friday, November 18th at East Elementary.

“I wanted the kids to learn about our local heroes and what they do to protect and serve our community,” said Harvey, who’s husband has served as a Brownwood firefighter for nine years.

“We’ve been talking about what the heroes do and the kids are able to recognize them,” the coach explained. “We had some military members in uniform show up and the kids said, ‘Coach I see heroes!’ It’s been really great.”

Present to run with the students from the Brownwood Police Department were Chief Terry Nichols, Sgt. Jason Kidd, officers Kris Salazar, Jared Spohn, and Jason Cockerham. From the Brownwood Fire Department were Fire Marshall Buddy Preston, Lieutenant Kyle Whitley, firefighters Brent Bruton, Bryan Harvey, Mitch Miller, and Trent Thompson.

“We enjoyed visiting and running with the students of East Elementary today along with our Fire Department and Military partners. Those kids have a lot of energy!” was posted on the Brownwood Police Department’s official Facebook Page shortly after the event.

Photos submitted from parents and teachers.



