Travis Eoff, Early Volunteer Fire Department Chief, updated the Early City Council on the happenings of the quarter for the EVFD and gave good news. The department’s application for a FEMA grant has been accepted after being denied for the past three years.
The grant application was submitted for funds to purchase a 3000 gallon tanker truck which at the time of the application would cost $295,000. The grant is a 95% grant, which will give EVFD $281,000 for the purchase of the truck. Since the application, an individual has generously donated the remaining $14,000; however, the price has increased since that time and is now $310,000 for the vehicle. Eoff states that the department also has plans to purchase an upgraded pump on the tanker which will increase its output from 500 gallons per minute to 750 gal/min, at a cost of approximately $5000.
Because the tanker will be used more in the county in assisting other fire departments, the EVFD plans to request some financial help from Brown County officials. Eoff stated that they will not ask the City of Early to assist with funding the purchase due to the fact that the tanker most likely will rarely be used within the city limits.Eoff also reported to the council that the recent fundraiser brought in $7000 to the department and that they also recently received funds from a $2500 Toyota grant. The funds from Toyota will be used to upgrade communications within the department’s trucks, according to Eoff.
Plans to upgrade and restore an older military truck as another unit within the EVFD fleet are also underway. Eoff credited Early Chief of Police David Mercer for his help in securing the truck for EVFD.
Eoff stated that EVFD is very “gung-ho” and enthusiastic and has been able to recruit several younger members who are under the age of 30 and that the department is excited to have a younger group that is interested in learning how to fight fires and keep the department strong.