Written by Amanda Coers – Early’s 2018 Texas Midwest Community Network (TMCN) team members Zane Hobson and Breanna Brown are working to bring a sound garden to McDonald Park to encourage music-inspired creative play for all ages. On Tuesday, the teens were presented a $5,000 check from Comanche Electrical Cooperative Association (CECA).



CECA board members Lewis Locker and Bud West presented the check to the two Early High School seniors. The funds were provided through the company’s “Operation Roundup” program where members round up their electrical bill to the nearest dollar. The money collected is used to fund projects such as the sound garden proposed by the Early High School students. 

“We try to do one impact project a year, and this is it,” said Shirley Dukes, Communication Specialist for CECA. “There’s nothing like it here for the children. It’s a feel-good project.”

The donation from Comanche Electrical Co-Op will go a long way to build the sound garden, however more is needed to enable the students to see their dream realized. Tuesday’s check, along with a $500 donation from Solaris, $100 from Bill and Nancy King, and $100 left from last year’s fundraising brings their total amount raised to $6,200. The students are hoping to raise $25,000 total in order to build a multi-faceted sound garden. 

The amount of money the students are able to raise before their deadline of July 20th will ultimately determine how many pieces of equipment they’re able to purchase for the sound garden. 

The Early TMCN Leadership Team has designed a circular sound garden featuring equipment from Freenotes Harmony Park including the Flower Collection, the Weenotes Collection, and the Starter Collection.

The Flower Collection is of particular interest to the team with a colorful, organic and whimsical design. The sound garden system features four large metal flowers, each producing a different note when struck with an attached baton. The four flowers struck together are said to “fill the air with a sweet chorus of sounds.” All equipment offered from Freenotes Harmony Park is tuned to produce harmonious, pleasant sounds. 

Pictured at top of article, a child is seen enjoying playtime on the Flower Collection. Photo from Freenotes Harmony Park.

The team chose a sound garden as their legacy project in order to better serve the creative play needs for differently abled children, especially children with sensory issues who may not enjoy traditional playground equipment. 

“We want to help all children, including children with disabilities, the chance to play together,” Breanna Brown explained. “Sound does a lot for a lot of different people. It uses all parts of the brain, it requires focus and it helps a lot of children.” 

Normally, playgrounds are designed for active kids who are able to jump, run, and climb, sometimes leaving children with different play abilities unable to join in the fun. Outdoor musical instruments are an alternative solution allowing children with a disability to participate with those who are able-bodied. Music therapy has proven to be effective in helping children with autism and Asperger’s syndrome and those who have diminished social skills to participate in play with their peers.

“The elderly benefit a lot from this too,” Zane Hobson said. “It allows them to trigger memory functions through the sounds they’re able to make.” 

Both students shared experiences with an autistic classmate who has blossomed after becoming involved with band. Brown and Hobson explained their fellow classmate is able to communicate his feelings through music and has socialized more since his time in band. 

Donations for the sound garden project can be dropped off at Early City Hall, 900 Early Boulevard in Early, or mailed to: PO Box 3100, Early Texas, 76803. The Early TMCN Leadership Team also has a GoFundMe account for online donations.

The Early TMCN Leadership Team will participate in Spirit Night at Chick-Fil-A inside Heartland Mall from 6 to 8 p.m. this evening and again on July 17th to raise money for the sound garden. The team will also be selling fajitas at the Cowboy Gathering on July 21st at the Stagecoach Station Venues.