Brownwood News – Early Police Department reports released Tuesday, February 6, 2018. All arrestees are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Blotter information compiled from local law enforcement reports and jail records. If charges are dismissed or the accused is found not guilty, people listed here can contact Brownwood News and provide us with documentation. Your name and mug shot then will be removed from this site in 3-5 business days.


January 30th

  • Unsecured premises – 400 block of Gorman Drive. Officer located building unsecure. Building was checked out and everything ok. Building was secured
  • Accident – 300 block of Gorman Drive. Roadway blocked, no injuries
  • Trespassing call – walk-in to Police Department. Complainant wanted options for possible criminal trespass warning
  • 100 block of Williams Drive – welfare check on child. Caller was worried about a child in the home. Everything was ok.
  • Aggravated Assault with deadly weapon – 100 block of McDonald Drive. Caller stated her boyfriend threatened to kill her and pointed a handgun at her. Officers completed an investigation and obtained a warrant for the suspect Lucus Lanier. Lanier arrested the following day at his home on County road 411.
  • Theft – 500 block of Early Boulevard – subject stole several shirts from a business. Officer is investigating.
  • Theft of Motor vehicle – 800 block of Scarlet Drive. Caller stated her son got mad and took her keys and vehicle. Caller called back a few days later and canceled the report.
  • Burglary of Building – 600 block of Early Boulevard – someone broke into the building and stole numerous key fobs and the stole two vehicles. A white 2013 Dodge and an orange 1998 Dodge pickup. The 2013 Dodge was recovered on Thursday, but the orange 1998 Dodge is still stolen. The investigation is continuing on the case.

January 31st

  • Burglary of Motor vehicle – 500 block of Early Boulevard – subject stole items from bed of a pickup
  • Suspicious call – 500 block of Early Boulevard – subjects sleeping in a car, possibly homeless – gone on officer’s arrival
  • Theft – 1700 block of Early Boulevard – caller reported someone stole wedding ring
  • Domestic disturbance – 130 block of Sudderth Drive – male/female screaming – no violence both parties separated.
  • Accident – 1000 block of Early Boulevard – person fell out of a car and vehicle ran over her foot.

February 1st

  • Accident – 200 block of Early Boulevard – Officers responded to minor accident with no injuries
  • Animal Complaint – Canal Street/Homewood Circle – stray dogs – taken to animal shelter
  • Reckless Driver – Hwy 183 North toward Early – vehicle weaving on highway. Officer located vehicle and checked the driver. Driver not impaired and was given a warning
  • Agency Assist with Bangs PD – 300 block of Early Boulevard
  • Agency Assist with Brown County Sheriff’s Office – Domestic Disturbance – 3000 block of Hwy 183 North.

February 2nd

  • possible intoxicated person – 100 block of Early Boulevard – subject not intoxicated.
  • Alarm call – 100 block of Early Boulevard – building secure
  • Accident – CR 267 – subject ran on foot – k9 assisted in search
  • Fire call – 130 block of Allen Drive – grass fire from power lines
  • Suspicious vehicle – 500 block of Early Boulevard – officer located suspicious vehicle at car lot. Several subjects looking at vehicles. Everything checked out ok.

February 3rd

  • medical emergency – 200 block of Abbey Road – lifeguard transporting
  • Welfare check – 800 block of Early Boulevard  – caller concerned about subject being suicidal. Center For Life Resources mental health services contacted and met with subject
  • Accident – 100 block of Early Boulevard – vehicle / pedestrian accident – pedestrian was severely injured, air evac transported patient to Fort Worth hospital
  • Accident – CC Woodson/ Early Blvd – no injuries
  • Domestic disturbance – 130 Sudderth – caller reported male/female screaming in area but couldn’t provide an apartment number. Officer checked the area and was unable to find any disturbance or hear anything.
  • Animal complaint – 100 block of Chappareal – caller reported 2 dogs in her yard. Owner picked up dogs before officer arrived

February 4th

  • Animal Complaint – N Hwy 183/old Comanche Road – fox injured or sick.
  • Intoxicated driver – 900 block of Early Boulevard – Officer located vehicle, driver was not intoxicated. Driver warned about his driving
  • Intoxicated driver – 100 block of Early Boulevard – vehicle coming from Brownwood, reported to be “all over the road.” Officer checked the area and was unable to locate the vehicle.

February 5th

  • medical emergency – 500 block of Longhorn. Lifeguard transported
  • Medical emergency – 100 block of Sunrise Drive – lifeguard transported
  • 911 Hang up call – 200 block of Early Boulevard – officer checked on the caller. No problem. Accidental