The Early Police Chief David Mercer released information today regarding two juveniles and one adult who were picked up on possession of marijuana charges.
The Chief’s release states that at approximately 2:45am on Wednesday morning, Early PD Officer Johnny Brown located a parked car at the 1300 block of Virginia with three individuals inside. As officer Brown approached the vehicle and shined his light inside, two of the individuals exited the vehicle and quickly walked towards a nearby home.
According to the report, officer Brown ordered the individuals to stop twice. On his second order, they appeared to have tossed something in or near another vehicle then turned around and walked back toward the officer.
Officer Brown observed beer in the vehicle and noticed that the individuals had the smell of alcohol on them. Officer Brown also located several items commonly used to smoke marijuana. Upon searching, a bag of marijuana was found in a bush next to a parked van.
Two of the individuals were juveniles and were issued citations for possession of drug paraphernalia and minor in possession of alcohol and will be charged with possession of marijuana through the juvenile probation office.
The third man, Morris Joshua Moore, was arrested and taken to the Brown County Jail for possession of marijuana and issued citations for possession of drug paraphernalia and minor in possession of alcohol.