The City of Early was named a “Community of Achievement” at the 19th Annual Texas Midwest Conference, October 17th, at the Abilene Civic Center. The award was presented to Mayor Robert Mangrum and Chamber of Commerce officer Danette Jennings. A delegation of Early citizens attended the presentation.
According to TMCN President Brandon Anderson, Haskell City Manager, “the awards program sponsored by TMCN encourages communities in our region to be better prepared for the future.” Approximately 400 community representatives from 40 cities in the region were present for the luncheon and awards presentation.
An application for the award was submitted in July which detailed Early’s community-wide plan (vision), beautification efforts (pride), student participation on local projects (youth involvement), local endorsement (business community) and website (connectivity). When applications are received by the TMCN office, individuals from neighboring communities in the region are assigned to visit the city to conduct a windshield tour of what a visitor sees and experiences when they come to town (assessment). Information from the windshield tour is then provided to local leaders.
Other recipients of this year’s Community of Achievement Award included Cisco, Hico, Menard and Tye.
TMCN member cities are Abilene, Albany, Anson, Aspermont, Baird, Ballinger, Brady, Breckenridge, Bronte, Brownwood, Buffalo Gap, Cisco, Clyde, Coleman, Colorado City, Comanche, Cross Plains, De Leon, Dublin, Early, Eastland, Eden, Goldthwaite, Gorman, Hamilton, Hamlin, Haskell, Hico, Knox City, Menard, Merkel, Miles, Munday, Ranger, Rising Star, Robert Lee, Roscoe, Rotan, San Angelo, San Saba, Santa Anna, Snyder, Stamford, Sweetwater, Throckmorton, Tye, and Winters.
The mission of Texas Midwest Community Network is to promote a regional approach to provide the resources and awareness for its members to achieve economic and community growth. The organization provides a means by which communities can work together to accomplish what one community cannot do alone.
For more information about Texas Midwest Community Network visit