
Forty-four students from Early High School traveled to Howard Payne University on Wednesday, March 23, to attend a forensic science workshop hosted by HPU’s Department of Physical Science. The students ranged from sophomores to seniors and are enrolled in biology, chemistry and physics classes.

The EHS students learned about fingerprinting, crime scene investigation, blood typing and spatter analysis, drug screening, handwriting and ink analysis and hair evidence.

EHS sophomore T.J. Love said “It was definitely worth coming. This was very educational and I learned about what you don’t see on TV.”

HPU students in Dr. Derek L. Smith’s “Scientific Criminal Investigation” conducted most of the various laboratory exercises. These students included Lorenzo Green, senior from Killeen; Dennis Simons, senior from Bangs; Theron Parson, junior from Bangs; Ruth Morris, sophomore from Granbury; Christopher Lee, sophomore from Tyler; and D.L. Blake, sophomore from Carrollton.

Smith is an assistant professor of physical science at HPU. This is the second year HPU has hosted the forensic science workshop for Early students.

Pictured above:  Howard Payne University junior Theron Parson (far right) helps teach Early High School students during a forensic science workshop at HPU.  Photo contributed by Kalie Lowrie