
Coach Lori Beck, assisted by Coach Peggy Morales, trained several Early High School students to evaluate booklets for upcoming Global Issues Problem Solving (GIPS) competitions. These students, Audrey Horton, Cy Tongate, David Morales, and Joel Justice will evaluate and critique other students’ booklets.


Booklets assess a future scene, isolate an underlying problem and then solve the problem using a six step process. These students have been competing in GIPS competitions since they were in 4th and 5th grade under the direction of Lori Beck.  Now as juniors and seniors, these students will not only research and compete, but volunteer 20 plus hours to evaluate booklets submitted by 4th, 5th, and 6th graders from around the state.

The EHS students’ current coach, Peggy Morales, said that she is very proud of their willingness to give back to Texas Future Problem Solving, a program that provides tremendous academic enrichment for many students. The GIPS topics for the 2014-2015 school year are:  Impact of Social Media, Processed Food, Propaganda, and Human Enhancement.