The Early High School Key Club, a civic organization sponsored by the Pecan Valley Kiwanis Club, is currently helping to increase awareness of child abuse and neglect.
During April, which is Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness month, Key Club members have put together a window display for staff and students to view at Early High School. The display includes raindrops at the top with negative words or phrases which have been used to hurt or demean children. Included are definitions and statistics concerning types of abuse. At the bottom of the display, are toys representing children and things that make them happy such as flowers, birds, and butterflies with positive words and phrases to encourage children. Kate Black is the sponsor of the Early High School Key Club.The Early High School Key Club is currently helping foster children by collecting new shoes and clothing to be donated to the Brown County Child Welfare Board’s Rainbow Room. Additionally, members are selling “raindrops” to raise money for the Rainbow Room. The Rainbow Room supplies foster children who have been removed from dangerous situations with needed clothing and other supplies.
Pictured above are EHS Key Club members Kassidy Holland, Mary Kate Murphy, Isabel Reyna, Brandon Crawford, and Zachary Burleson.