
Early High School celebrated 2011 Homecoming Friday night and crowned Kaulyn Reno as Homecoming Queen.   Joe and Kelly King were named Coming Home King and Queen.

Candidates for Homecoming Queen were chosen from the senior class.

Miss Kaulyn Reno is the daughter of Angi and Wade Reno.  As a freshman, Kaulyn was a member of Key Club and “the Peace Makers” Relay for Life team.  She was selected class representative and English Student of the Year her sophomore year.  While a junior, Miss Reno went to regionals in V.A. S. E. (visual arts scholastic event) and was voted “Friendliest” at EHS.  She served as Duchess for Homecoming the past two years.  This year she continues her membership in FCA and her job as Varsity Football Trainer.  Kaulyn serves on the Yearbook Staff and the PALS.  She is active with church activities at Early First Baptist Church.  She has served as a leader in VBS.  She has participated in Project Sweat, Impact, Love Brownwood, and a mission trip to Soledad, Brazil.  Kaulyn was escorted by her father.

LorizaIbarraSrMiss Loriza Ibarra is the daughter of Raul and Tina Ibarra.  Loriza was elected Class President both her freshman and sophomore years.  She was a member of the District Champion Speaking team as a freshman.  As a sophomore she placed in Prose UIL and participated in Early’s 1st place UIL District One-Act play where she was selected All-Star Crew.  Loriza has been involved with National Forensic League, National Society of High School Scholars, and Lincoln-Douglas Debate Team.  She participates in PALS, FCA and currently serves as Key Club President.  Loriza was a varsity cheerleader her junior year, and this is her third year with the Belles Dance Team.  Miss Ibarra volunteers her time to work with Project Sweat, Vacation Bible School, and Relay for Life team “Peace Makers.”   She is employed by Mi Familia.  Loriza was escorted by her father.


Miss Sarah Ringler is the daughter of Seth and Connie Ringler.  She has maintained the A Honor Roll throughout high school.  As a freshman, Miss Ringler was selected World Geography Student of the Year and Homecoming Duchess.  She was a part of the musical The Wizard of Oz.  Sarah was named Advanced Geometry Student her sophomore year.  She was selected AP English and AP History Student her junior year.  She was UIL Ready Writing District Champion and Regional Qualifier.  Sarah was also voted junior class favorite.  She continues to be involved with Key Club, FCA, Concert Choir, Future Problem Solving and National Honor Society.  Sarah qualified for regional varsity track and cross country her freshman year.  She is a football trainer this year.  She lifeguards during the summers.   Sarah is actively involved with Early First Baptist Church and her youth group.  She participates in Super Summer, Sonday’s Camp, Vacation Bible School, Project Sweat and Impact.  Miss Ringler recently went on a mission trip to Uganda, and she plans to return to Africa this year during spring break.  She was escorted by her father Seth Ringler.

Duchesses were selected for the Homecoming Court from the freshman, sophomore and junior classes of Early High School.


Hannah Justice, daughter of Rick and Celeste Justice is a freshman at EHS.  While in middle school, Hannah was a member of the National Junior Honor Society and the Builder’s Club for two years.  She was voted “Most Likely to Succeed” her 8th grade year.  Hannah has participated in cross country and track.  She now serves as an athletic trainer for football.  She is a leader in her youth group at rocky Creek Baptist Church where she helps with Vacation Bible School, participates in summer mission projects and other church activities.  She was escorted by her father.


Miss Puja Naran, daughter of Roger Patel and Pushpa Patel is a sophomore at EHS.  As a freshman, Puja participated in UIL social Studies and Current Events.  Miss Naran was voted Freshman Class Favorite.  She was a member of Student Council and she currently serves as Public Relations Officer for Key Club.  Puja was escorted by her father.


Vonnie Vu, daughter of Fad a Wu and Hui Qing Ye of China, is a junior at Early High School.  Vonnie moved to Texas from China when she was eleven years old.  She was a member of the Asian Club in Brooklyn, New York, where she attended school for one semester.  Miss Wu was awarded a Certificate of Academic Achievement for Math and the Spotlight Award.  She has been recognized as the Outstanding ESL student at Early High School.  Vonnie participates in the Art Program.  She enjoys visiting New York and China in the summers.  Vonnie was escorted by Shawn Lam, a family friend.


Coming Home King and Queen were Joe and Kelly King of Early.  Mr. and Mrs. King own Bishop Distributing.  They are both 1983 Early High School graduates.  They have three sons:  Cameron who is a 2009 EHS graduate, Tucker who is a senior, and Brady who is a sophomore.