The Early Elementary Robotics Team, named Robot Squad, won the TCEA Intermediate Division State Championship on Saturday, April 9, 2011.
The team qualified to attend the State Competition by winning second place in the Area Competition on November 30. 2010. The competition was held at the Junell Center on the Angelo State University Campus. There were 54 teams competing from around the state.
The Early team entered in the Intermediate Division which includes grade 4 – 8 from all levels of schools. The challenge the team competed in was the same as the one for the area competition but with a few more requirements that had to be achieved to receive points. The total score for the team was 715. The team scored 385 points in round 2 and 330 in round 3 for a total of 715.
The members of the team include Abby Elliott, Shelby Gifford, Asa Welker, and Dagan Whisenhunt. The coach is Keith Taylor.
This is Early’s first year to have robotics teams for the competition, and Early had 4 teams qualify for the state competition. Two teams from Early Middle School and a team from Early High School also attended the contest.
Pictured above is the “Robot Squad”.