
The Early Elementary Robotics team competed in the Area 15 Competition on Saturday, January 12, in San Angelo Texas.  The Robo Turtles team placed 7th out of 54 teams.  The team is made up of 5th grade students Brent Grooms, Kiah Laborn, Nathan Mitchell, and Timothy Smithson.

Three other teams from Early Elementary also competed.  Those teams were the Exploding Atoms, the Runaway Robots, and the Phoenixes.  The Exploding Atoms team members are 4th grade students Joshua Acker, Tyler Anglin, and Damion Smith.  Team members of the Runaway Robots are 5th grade students Payton Bartlett, Kaitlyn Godfrey, Madison Green, and Raegan Johnson.  The Phoenixes team members are 5th grade students Bo Hunter, Morgan Kent, Ryan Lemond, and 4th grade student Tenlee Kelcy.

Pictured above: Early Elementary Robotics 7th place team Robo Turtles (front row, left to right) are Brent Grooms and Timothy Smithson, (back row) Kiah Laborn, and Nathan Mitchell.

Pictured below:  Early Elementary Team members that attended the Area 15 Meet in San Angelo are (seated, left to right) Damion Smith, Joshua Acker, Tyler Anglin, (standing) Timothy Smithson, Brent Grooms, Tenlee Kelcy, Morgan Kent, Bo Hunter, Ryan Lemond, Raegan Johnson, Payton Bartlett, and Kaitlin Godfrey.  Photos contributed.
