Brownwood News – The regular monthly meeting of the City of Early City Council will be at 6:00 pm Tuesday, November 12.  The agenda is below.


A. Call to order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance
B. Consideration of the minutes for regular meeting held on October 8, 2019.
C. Citizen’s comments.

D. Reports:
1. Ambulance Advisory Committee By: Benny Allcorn

E. Matters of New Business
1. Consider approving a variance to the setback requirements to install a carport at 228 Crescent Drive. By: Nathan Land
2. Consider granting a variance to allow more than one residential structure on the property at 102 Park Drive. By: Nathan Land
3. Consideration to approve Resolution 2019-R09, regarding a financing contract for the purpose of procuring a rear-load trash truck. By: Tony Aaron
4. Consider approving Resolution 2019-EDR12, for an Economic Development Municipal Development grant application from TMCN Teen Leadership Team. By: Larry McConn
5. Consideration to approve Resolution 2019-R10, authorizing an application with Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to participate in the Local Park Grant Program. By: Larry McConn
6. Discuss and consider authorizing staff to proceed with obtaining a concept design and construction estimates for a new baseball and softball complex. By: Councilman Scott Callison

F. Executive Session in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 551, Texas Government Code:
1. Section 551.087, Deliberation regarding Economic Development.
G. Reconvene into Open Session and consider action, if any, on items discussed in executive session.
1. Consider approval of Resolution 2019-R11, authorizing a 380 agreement between City of Early and Rolling Vistas Ltd.

H. Administrator’s Report
I. Announcements
J. Adjourn/Recess