Written by Reagan Grisham – The Early City Council met at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, October 10th, at Early City Hall to discuss items on the agenda. During the Administrator’s Report, Tony Aaron discussed the Hobby Lobby store that is coming to Early in June.

“We are already getting some traction and momentum in the retail world with that announcement coming out. [Some of us] will be going to the National Center of Shopping conference. We will use that [event] to market the area to see what we can do to get other national and state chains involved in coming to Early.


“I think we are just getting our feet under us for what we’ve been working on over the last couple of years and good things will be coming to help with our market,” Aaron said.

Larry McConn discussed some new business such as, the Planning and Zoning Commission to approve final plat of subdivided lot three lots at 101 E. Industrial by Tootie Kelly. There was an auto detailing shop that is now vacant. The former owner’s father purchased a piece of property from Mr. Kelly and opened up a cabinet shop.

His son wants to open another business and that is the reason this matter of new business was brought up to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Lot 3R is where the new business is going to be and 4R might be a new restaurant. The council accepted this recommendation.

The next matter of new business was to consider a three foot variance to place a storage building at 195 Abby Road. The owner of this property recently moved in and is in need of a storage building. Other storage buildings in this subdivision has been approved in the past. The council approved this motion.

The council also considered a resolution approving a Municipal Development grant application for A Place to Rest R.V. Park located at 113 Garmon. James Williams purchased the old mobile home park and is wanting to turn it into an R.V. park and a café atmosphere, maybe have food trucks park there once a week. Williams is still working out the details.

“It is the MDD’s Board’s recommendation to grant $20,000 to Mr. Williams under two codes. One to contain jobs, we are putting $10,000 towards that. The other is to give the board approval to use it for whatever project they think is acceptable for the community.

“The City and MDD’s desire is to have that property cleaned off. [With the money] we can help Mr. Williams get that lot cleaned and help him put in his R.V.’s sight,” McConn said.

The council decided to postpone considering the award bid proposal and contract for construction of Early Visitors and Event Center. This is due to not having all of the details worked out, but it will be considered during next month’s meeting.

The last item of new business on the agenda was to discuss and consider approval for two easements with Comanche County Electric Cooperative for utility service on property of Waste Water Treatment Facility project.

The City is asking for them to provide a service at the Waste Water Treatment Plant. In order to get that service, the City has to provide them with an easement to put the poles on their property. One pole will be from 317 along the holding ponds to headwork’s area of the main operation. The other will be at the life station area that is on the corner. They need permission to approve these easements. The council approved these easements.

The meeting finished with announcements of upcoming events. The first being the City and Rural Rides will be having an open house at their facility on Early Blvd from 1-3 p.m. on October 12th. The Chamber Banquet will be at 6 p.m. on October 23rd. at Aldersgate Enrichment Center.

The Early Ace Program will be having their annual Lights On After School from 6-8:30 p.m. October 26th at the Early Primary Campus. The West Central Texas Council will have their annual board of directors meeting at the Abilene Civic Center at noon on November 8th.

Lastly, during the annual tree lighting ceremony at the main intersection there will also be a dedication for McDonald Park. That event will be at dusk on November 27th.