City of Early Council Meeting – Tuesday February 12, 2013 – 6 PM at Early City Hall

1. Call to order and invocation

2. Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Consideration of the minutes of January 8, 2013.

4. Citizen’s comments (the council invited citizens to speak to the Council on any topic not already on the agenda.  No Council action may be taken on these items.)

5. Consider recommendation of Planning and Zoning Commission concerning Special use Permit to place a manufactured home at 100 Rosedale Drive and adopt ordinance, if approved.

6. Consider granting a variance for a single-family dwelling to be closer than 25 foot setback requirement at 506 Longhorn Drive.

7. Wanda Furgason will present 2012 audit reports for the Early Economic Development Corporation and Early Chamber of Commerce.

8. Consideration of Management Agreement between Chamber of Commerce and City of Early.

9. Consideration of a resolution authorizing an agreement with the Brown County Appraisal District for collection of taxes.

10. Consideration of entering an agreement for assessment and collection of taxes between the Brown County Appraisal District and the City of Early.

11. Consider a resolution endorsing certain legislative action of the Steering Committee of Cities served by ONCOR in the regular session of the 83rd Texas Legislature.

12. Consider approving a resolution ordering an election to be held May 11, 2013 to elect Mayor and two Council members and providing details relating to the holding of such election.

13. Discuss and consider position of Assistant Fire Marshal.

14. Adjourn.