City of Early Council Meeting – Tuesday, September 24, 2013 – 6 PM

1.  Call to order and invocation.

2.  Pledge of Allegiance.

3.  Consideration of the minutes of regular meeting on September 10, 2013.

4.  Citizen’s comments (the council invites citizens to speak to the council on any topic not already on the agenda.  No council action may be taken on these items.)

5.  Public Hearing – 2013/2014 Budget.

6.  Mayor Mangrum to proclaim September as National Recovery Month.

7.  Update on National Night Out plans from Chief of Police David Mercer.

8.  Mr. Bill Swindler to address the council regarding traffic and street conditions in his neighborhood.

9.  Presentation and approval or Motel Tax Budget for fiscal year 2013/2014.

10.  Consider approval for Early Economic Development Corporation items:
a.   Fiscal year 2013/2014 budget
b.   Refinancing of loans program

11.  Consideration of Ordinances:
a.  Adopting FY 2013/2014 Budget
b.  Setting Tax Rate for 2013/2014
c.  Amending Water Rates
d.  Amending Sanitation Rates

12.  Consider appointments to Boards:
a.  Appoint three (3) members to Planning and Zoning Commission
b.  Appoint one (1) member to Economic Development Corporation

13.  Executive session in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 551, Texas Government Code:  Personnel Matters, Section 551.073, conduction annual City Administrator evaluation.

14.  Reconvene into open session and consider action, if any, on item discussed in executive session.

15.  Adjourn.