Early City Council Meeting – Tuesday, October 13, 2015 – 6 PM at Early City Hall

A.  Call to order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance

B.  Consideration of the minutes of regular meeting held on September 22, 2015.

C.  Citizen’s comments (citizens are invited to speak to the Council on any topic not already on the agenda.  No Council action may be taken)

D.  Reading of Proclamations

1.  Lights on Afterschool Day

2.  Domestic Violence Awareness Month

E.  Reports (No Council action may be taken)

1.  Department Reports

i.  Fire Department.  By:  Chad Hill
ii.  Public Works Department.  By: Wade Walker
ii.  Beautification Committee.  By:  Larry McConn

2.  Elevated Water Tower.  By: Tony Aaron
3.  TAP Grant.  By:  Tony Aaron

F.  Matters of New Business

1.  Consider adopting an Ordinance, 2015-14, establishing fees and regulations for RV spots at City Park.  By:  Larry McConn
2.  Consider and Ordinance, 2015-15, amending the rental rates for the Early Community Center.  By:  Larry McConn
3.  Consideration of a Resolution, 2015-R09, regarding a contract for the purpose of financing Heavy Equipment.  By Tony Aaron
4.  Consideration of an agreement between City of Early and Early Chamber of Commerce concerning the billboard located on Early Boulevard.  By Tony Aaron

G.  Executive Session in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 551.087, discussion regarding property for economic development.

1.  Economic Development Negotiation, Section 551.087, discussion regarding property for economic development.

H.  Reconvene into Open Session and consider action, if any, on items discussed in Executive Session.

I.  Announcements

J.  Adjorn/Recess