City of Early
Council Meeting
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

1. Call to order and invocation

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Consideration of the minutes of April 24, 2012

4. Citizen’s comments (the council invited citizens to speak to the Council on any topic not already on the agenda.  No Council action may be taken on these items)

5. Canvass election returns from May 12, 2012 General Election

6. Elected Council members take Oath of Office

7. Council will elect a Mayor Pro-tem

8. Administer Oath of Office and Law Enforcement Oath to new Police Investigator Michael McCoy and new Police Officer Douglas Hurt.

9. Consider a resolution denying the Mid-Tex division of ATMOS Energy Corporation’s statement of intent to change the gas utility rates in the City of Early.

10. Consider continuation of the variance granted for privacy fence at 305 Sunrise.

11. Consideration of replacing the tractor and shredder used for mowing streets and Rights of Way.

12. Consider a resolution relating to delegation of authority to approve tax lien transfers pursuant to section 32.06 of the Texas Property Code.

13. Executive session in accordance with the provision of Chapter 551, Texas Government code: Personnel Matters, Section 551.074, discussion regarding Early Police Department K-9 unit. Action, if any, will be taken in open session.

14. Administrator’s report:

a. Water pipeline update
b. TXDOT projects

15. Adjourn