Early City Council Meeting – Tuesday, June 14, 2016 – 6 PM at Early City Hall

A.  Call to order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance

B.  Consideration of the minutes of regular meeting held on May 24, 2016.

C.  Citizen’s comments (Citizens are invited to speak to the Council on any topic not already on the agenda.  No Council action may be taken)

D.  Reports (No Council action may be taken)

1.  Annual EDC report (Shawn Russell)
2.  Administrator’s report

E.  Matters of New Business

1.  Consider recommendation of Planning & Zoning Commission for a zoning change from R-1, Single Family Residential to R-4, Mobile Home District at 111 Northline Drive.  By:  Larry McConn
2.  Consideration to approve a six (6) foot variance request to place a carport at 1307 Virginia Ave.  By:  Larry McConn
3.  Consider continuation of the variance granted for privacy fence at 305 Sunrise Drive.  By: Larry McConn.
4.  Consider approving an Ordinance 2016-10, adopting the 2015 International Codes regulating and governing the conditions and maintenance of all property, buildings and structures within the City of Early.  By:  Larry McConn
5.  Consider approving an Ordinance 2016-11, adopting a Flood Damage Prevention Plan for properties within the city limits of Early, Texas.  By:  Larry McConn
6. Discussion and consideration to approve a dissolution plan for the Early Economic Development Corporation.  By:  Shawn Russell
7.  Discuss and consider the use of the Community Center by the Brownwood Amateur Radio Club.  By:  Tony Aaron
8.  Consider approval of Resolution 2016-R06 to extend the real estate loan at Mills County State Bank on the property at 1030 Early Boulevard.  By:  Tony Aaron
9.  Consideration of Resolution 2016-R07 to enter into a Landscape Maintenance Agreement with TXDOT for areas within the city limits of Early, Texas.  By:  Tony Aaron

F.  Announcements

G.  Adjourn/Recess