City of Early Council Meeting – Tuesday, June 11, 2013 – 6 PM
1. Call to order and invocation.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Consideration of the minutes of May 14, 2013.
4. Citizen’s comments (the council invites citizens to speak to the Council on any topic not already on the agenda. No Council action may be taken on these items.)
5. Mayor Mangrum to proclaim June 16-22, 2013 as National Small Business Week.
6. Consider a resolution adopting a rate review mechanism agreement with ATMOS Energy.
7. Ina Grice to address council regarding concerns about City Park.
8. Fire Chief Chad Hill to present a report and discuss proposed improvements to the fire department.
9. Consider continuation of the variance granted for privacy fence at 305 Sunrise Drive.
10. Consider recommendation of Planning and Zoning Commission concerning Special Use Permit to place a manufactured home at 115 McDonald Drive and adopt ordinance, if approved.
11. Consider a resolution to extend the real estate loan at Mills County State Bank on the property at 1030 Early Blvd.
12. Consideration of awarding bid for Bore and Encasement of Treated Water Supply Line Project.
13. Consider a resolution entering finance contract with Government Capital Corporation for purpose of procuring a new sanitation truck, 2014 Freightliner.
14. Administrator’s report – Finance.
15. Adjourn.